Saturday, September 27, 2008

Engagement Update

All of you may be wondering when we're finally going to make it official? Well, it's been a long, tough road but we've decided to get married sometime before the end of the year. We're still deciding if Judi will add another hyphen to her name, making this her second hyphen, take on Orr as her only last name, or if I will just adopt her last name, hyphens and all. Either way, one of us is getting a new last name by the end of the year!
Judi has been in California, starting a new job as a high school government and history teacher. In the mean time, I have kept my nose to the grindstone at the Monitor, enjoying great success with my election blog. As with any election, this one has been quite exciting but it has kept us on opposite sides of the country and apart from each other for too long. So, what better way to finish up this hectic year than by marrying your best friend? If we can make it through this past year, then we can make it through anything. Thanks for all of your well wishes and we will be certain to keep everyone notified about the big event.
In the meantime, you can check out my fantasy football blog -- and of course, Judi is a part of that.
Check out the Monitor blog!